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We need a variety of ages (16 years old and up) of volunteers for our Cathedral Pines Baptist Camp sponsored programs.  There is always somewhere to use your skills and abilities, with the campers and supporting the campers.

Positions are available for one or multiple weeks.


Qualifications and Conduct of Staff and Volunteers at Cathedral Pines Baptist Camp


1. Each person serving as Program staff for American Baptist-sponsored camps shall have made a personal commitment of life to Jesus Christ and shall be active in an American Baptist Church or a like-minded church.


2. Prior to the start of camp each person shall submit a completed Program Staff Application Form with their Pastor's recommendation.


3. Every person desiring to serve as program staff must be approved by the Camp Director of the event. Each person must participate in the orientation and training held for the event.


4. All persons serving at camp are role-models of Christian faith and life for the campers. Therefore, the following guidelines will apply:


- Modeling Christian Character (Galatians 5:22-23).

- Follow the Biblical standard of sexual purity and moral integrity. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4)

- Use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, tobacco, and vaping, in any form, is forbidden while at camp.

- Coarse, demeaning, profane or vulgar language is to be avoided.

- Courtesy, good manners, and respect of other persons and properties .

- Uphold all camp rules and policies.


5. Program staff are expected to function as a team to make the camp the best possible experience of Christian community living for the campers. As a part of this, all suggestions for program changes during the camp or criticism (constructive or otherwise) shall be communicated in staff meetings and never in the presence of campers.


6. All persons serving in the camping program shall fill out an appropriate Evaluation Form by the end of camp and turn it in to the Director(s). The Director(s) shall submit those forms to the Camp Manager at the close of camp.


7. Program Staff may not bring non-campers to camp (friends and/or family), unless authorized in advance by the Manager.


Cathedral Pines Policy 5-7, November 3,2018


Contact Program Coordinator Thomas Klein at 406-871-3511 or using the button below for more information.


Volunteer at Camp

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